
historic preservation & Masonry Restoration

masonry restoration

G.L. Capasso, Inc.  is an expert in every aspect of masonry restoration and masonry repair.
Masonry is amongst the best of historic building materials. However, it is still susceptible to damage by improper maintenance or extensive exposure to weather and moisture. Most leaks and deterioration are reduced, even eliminated, by regular maintenance.

G.L. Capasso, Inc. has completed many masonry restoration projects, including historical preservation, maintenance and emergency repair, using the following techniques:

  • Repointing deteriorated or water damaged mortar joints
  • Repairing masonry cracks
  • Removing & rebuilding sections of masonry wall
  • Installing new masonry anchors and wall ties
  • Rebuilding vertical control joints
  • Applying water repellents or waterproof coatings

At G.L. Capasso, Inc., we understand the fundamentals of masonry construction.  Our ability to match and create a replica of mix design sets us apart from other restoration contractors.

When you need a masonry restoration contractor, use the best by contacting G.L. Capasso, Inc. Our impeccable service will impress you from start to finish on all your masonry repairs.