

chubb insurance facade

Water Tight Repairs

Contract Value: $200,000.00

Project Highlights:           

  • Joint Sealant Replacement
  • Cleaning of Facade
  • Coating of Stucco Panels
  • Waterproof of Bricks

Owner: Chubb Insurance

Chubb Insurance Specialty building suffered from water related problems for a number of years. Age and the elements deteriorated the original caulking and had worn away the brick and mortar joints allowing water to enter the building. The building owner tried to solve this problem without luck.

Working with the owners, G.L. Capasso Inc. formulated a solution to solve the water problems and give the building a much needed face lift.  G.L. Capasso Inc. replaced more than six miles of deteriorated panel joint caulking and nine thousand lineal feet of window perimeter joint caulking.  Once the caulking work was completed, the entire building was cleaned and a coat of clear silicone waterproof was applied to the façade.    

Contact G.L. Capasso, Inc. for more information.